Сьогодні: 12 березня 2025 RU UA EN
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Innovating Regions in Europe (IRE) Secretariat

11 червня 2012, 17:08

A successful RIS1 (Regional Innovation Strategy) initiative ultimately results in a positive impact in the region and not merely in a glossy brochure. This document intends to serve as a guide for practitioners in innovation policies helping them to achieve a positive impact in their region. It deals with the process of defining and implementing a regional innovation strategy as well as selected challenges and pitfall in the strategy formulation process. In particular, it aims at sharing experiences in the field of ensuring that analyses and plans actually form the basis for actions and are not considered a value in their own rights. Although, the main action takes place after the formal end of stage 2, dedication to action must be secured in stage (1 and) 2 already. СКАЧАТЬ

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